What would happen if the god went to the cafe for a few hours for a drink? Apparently, he can choose an envious café of his modesty inside his people.
Suppose you are in Antwerp Central Station and want to have a drink and use the free internet for a while. There is a busy café. You can both possibly sit, and nobody will tell you anything about why you are here for hours. Moreover, you can have tea or coffee.
God's agenda must be complete, but maybe it's not a bad idea to give a break. He always wore the same simple jumper, maybe he smoked too much, a few burnt spots in his jumper. He had two cups of tea today. Surely and certainly, he did not have time to shave his beard and sure and certain, the beard is white, and he is of sufficient size old. As a result, he is wise. How many million years ago he was, we don't know, but apparently, he knows very well if he doesn't have amnesia symptoms yet. I am sure he knows everything, and he had to have had a lot of pressure.
When I looked at the god, he started opening his laptop. He looked at the Google map: here, somewhere else in Europe, war. He started laughing at his naughty children. Then, he started bidding for humanity in one of the Middle Eastern languages. It was not easy being busy with all kinds of world business.
After the war situation and current affairs, he read current affairs in the online newspaper and then looked at the prices of electric bills of the common people. Mind, empathy and intelligence came with him. From his compassion, he made an urgent plan in his Excel document, but no, currently, there was no solution, he was worried about it for a while but then started laughing unexpectedly. There were lasting solutions for his children, but they had to find themselves instead of arguing with themselves. He thought about the big bang. He further asked himself in a gentle manner: What are you humans doing with your prefrontal cortex? Where are the executive functions in your brain? I don't understand where I made a mistake.
There was still time for his meeting in heaven, but he did not forget to count all the catastrophes in the world. He talked compassionately to himself: They will never learn from the past.
What a wonderful moment to see God for a little man, he was pretty busy with all kinds of delivery with calm and humour, but he was so alone, that's why he constantly talked to himself, he asked himself to then he gave his own answers. Of course, after reasoning. He began to itch his head. Unfortunately, there was no time to shower, but there was always time to listen to a bit of music from YouTube to give his headrest. Reclaims were on, but doing something different for a while was still lovely.
Then he gave a deep sigh, said amen, and went outside to smoke a cigarette. When he started, this habit was unknowable. It was also more than a million years ago, maybe he started to smoke when he lost two precious children.
I looked at him and then started drinking my tea. It was about half a liter in a white ceramic cup. Today, I didn't want to wake up, but I did. This keyboard and tablet that I am working on now do auto-correction. It makes me light-sized crazy, but it's okay. Writing is a sickness for a writer, maybe a compulsion. It must be done.
Here is a Starbucks Cafe. I can have a drink and use the free internet. If I am still here in two hours, then I can pay for a second drink, just sixty cents. Besides, if I can have six drinks of tea, then a seventh drink is also free. I sometimes come here to use the internet or if I have time to get in front of my train.
Next to me is an old man. He is so simple and preoccupied with himself that he makes me feel that if God exists, then he must be like that. I don't know. I am not Rubens in Antwerp. Holiness must be a bit austere to my eyes.
While I was looking at him, I made him my metaphorical God. He was in a deep meeting with himself, but he still gave me a small smile. He was now awake and momentarily away from his dream world.
It was not the first time. A few months ago, I saw him at another Starbucks café on the first floor of Astrid Hotel. I was with a friend; I was watching him and talking to my friend.
"He talks himself and it hurts me".
Then we started talking about why it hurts me.
Months later, I saw him again, and I recognized him. I was happy to see him like a family member, like a good friend. It was the same old jumper in three colours. When I ordered my tea and deliberately sat at a big table because he was also there, apparently, he was dilling his table with some unknown commuters.
Under his laptop, there were just the same two books. When he went outside to smoke a cigarette, I secretly read the name of a book; then he came back and I started to read something, and he was also continuing the meeting with himself, he looked at the laptop and started talking on it, it was very deep and philosophical conversation. Today, he had two more books beside him, I was looking at the names of the book; the cover of the book was green, and it had some spiritual drawings.
After smoking, he came back. I asked him:
do you speak English, he said yes, indeed. I further asked him: what is your nationality?
He gave me an answer: no matter what nationality I am.
Then I asked him: what is your name? He said to me: doesn't matter.
He sat for maybe another 15 minutes in silence, and he looked at certain websites and again the world atlas via Google Maps. Then he started talking to me.
I come here every day between 6 a.m. and 9 a.m. I drink something, and then I have a meeting. I will go to my meeting very soon. Then he started saying something else, but I couldn't follow.
He had taken his two elbow crutches and wanted to leave. He said to me:
It is a pleasure to meet you. I said to him, but we didn't know each other's names. He repeated back: never mind.
What a divine response! I have never heard it in my life. It was a soft feeling in my heart as if I had met a piece of God.
Silently, he left the café, thanks to the support of his elbow crutches.
Emel Kiliç
December 2022
Use image sections to split the content visually
Besides the headings, the image sections do a great job in splitting the content in the right places. Main sections of your blog post can be separated by the images, corresponding with the topic you cover.
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